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Together We Can Revolutionize Dental Care Affordability

Get Started with Imagn Billing

Whether you want to increase your case acceptance, improve the accessibility of your patient care, or differentiate your practice from your competitors, Imagn Billing is here to help.

iMac computer with medical billing software

Don't let cost be the reason why patients say no.


of dentists reported they don't have enough
patients making appointments.


of adults identified cost as a reason why
they avoided dental care.

Eliminate the complexity of medical billing by automatically cross-coding traditional dental procedures.

Easily bill medical for:

  • Trauma
  • Oral Surgery
  • Perio Treatment
  • Sleep Appliances
  • Implants, and much more!

Add $200,000 or more to your yearly office production without increasing

the services you already offer.


Dental Office Software Users


Revenue Earned From Successful Claims


Average Days for Claim Payment


American Dental Association. "Economic Outlook for Dentistry January 2023." American Dental Association, Jan. 2023, PDF.

Monopoli, Michael, and Ifetayo B. Johnson. "New Data Show That Americans Are Still Not Getting the Dental Care They Need." Dental Economics, 28 Nov. 2022, Accessed 2 Feb. 2024.